

Building a brand image and awareness for a young fintech start-up

Building a brand image and awareness for a young fintech start-up

N26 is a leading European mobile bank with over 8 million users across 22 countries. Since founded in 2013 the main focus was to reframe banking offering and empowering users to take control of their finances. In 2018 we initiative brand refinement in order to connect to larger audience and enhance brand storytelling, emphasizing the benefits and meaning of financial wellness. ✺︎ Numerous campaigns followed, spanning from raising brand awareness across diverse markets to performance-focused initiatives, contributing to a consistent growth of new user. ✺︎ Later, we collaboratively developed the N26 Design System to ensure seamless and consistent visual expression across various touchpoints.



Brand Identity, Campaign, Design system


Brand refinement was celebrated with the launch of a brand awareness campaign. A 26 compelling reasons to start using N26 with a distinctive art direction.

Brand refinement was celebrated with the launch of a brand awareness campaign. A 26 compelling reasons to start using N26 with a distinctive art direction.

Brand refinement was celebrated with the launch of a brand awareness campaign. A 26 compelling reasons to start using N26 with a distinctive art direction.

Brand language needs be both recognizable and flexible, capable of adapting to various surfaces, products, and campaign initiatives.

Brand language needs be both recognizable and flexible, capable of adapting to various surfaces, products, and campaign initiatives.

Brand language needs be both recognizable and flexible, capable of adapting to various surfaces, products, and campaign initiatives.

Close collaboration between product and brand design yielded a design system that not only served complex product features but, more importantly, delivered a unique visual expression that stayed true to its brand.

Close collaboration between product and brand design yielded a design system that not only served complex product features but, more importantly, delivered a unique visual expression that stayed true to its brand.

Close collaboration between product and brand design yielded a design system that not only served complex product features but, more importantly, delivered a unique visual expression that stayed true to its brand.

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